article road accident 10 ways to reduce traffic fatalities 2. We as a Malaysian we need to reduce the number of road accident by some solutions and it will be discuss more detail in the following paragraph. CAUSES, PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS 8 Common Causes of Car Accidents in Malaysia. For instance, the government can install speed cameras in the accident-prone place. Transport Minister Pavithra Wanniarachchi said that a National Action Plan has been prepared to reduce the increasing number of road accidents in Sri Lanka.The Minister was speaking at … Inadequate law enforcement of traffic laws. Thus no road user is left. 1. Always put on helmets, seat belts and other safety equipments before driving a bicycle/ motor cycle/vehicle. Make eye contact with car drivers when negotiating turns or intersections; braking smoothly. Various national and … This was disheartening to hear but sincerely, that is the gospel truth today. HOW TO REDUCE ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENT I will highlight some necessary steps that can be adopted to reduce road traffic accident on our roads. Step to avoid accident - Ways to Reduce Risk of a Vehicular Accident. Drive slowly and have useful car gadgets. road accidents A political will and commitment by all established organizations concerned to deal with road traffic accidents. Improving visibility of road users Seeing and being seen are fundamental prerequisites for the safety of all road users. Workplace accidents not only cause physical and mental harm to employees, but also financial harm to employers. Luckily, there are ways you can reduce your risk of car accidents on the road. Motorcycle Accident Prevention: 8 Tips To Reduce Los Angeles drivers tend to do crazy stuff such as cutting other drivers, … It has been increasing steadily. At the small end of the consequence spectrum, the average commuter spends about 42 hours a year —more than a full work week—stuck in slow-moving traffic. Road Accident Incident. In addition, careless driver are another drivers’ behaviour that caused the road accidents. Therefore, the occurrence of road traffic accidents could not U.S. drivers are putting in more miles for their daily commutes than ever before, and as more drivers travel on our public roads engineers are using a range of design strategies to reduce accidents and deaths.. Transportation experts have found that vehicle interaction at higher speeds and intersections are the leading causes of vehicle damage and fatalities. Road fatalities are caused by various reasons from technical reasons to human neglect, error, and ignorance. Although studies shown that causes to most of the accident is because of the drivers themselves, MOWs always make it positive effort in order to improve traffic accident by giving further stress on Consequently, road accidents can cause loss of life and personal and public properties. Moreover, vehicle and infrastructure related technologies increase road and vehicle safety while reducing fatal accidents. Drivers run the risk of losing control of their car or blowing out a tire … On Reducing Road Fatalities Motorcycle Accident Prevention: 8 Tips To Reduce The Risk Of A Crash. This factor is the highest factors that drivers get involved in road accidents. Rear-end Collisions. Always remember that “Safety saves”. Download paper. How To Reduce Pedestrian Traffic Fatalities. Do not drink and drive. ( … Inattentive Riding/Driving. If you are thinking of getting your own car, look for one with high safety ratings. In order to Remain Vigilant When Driving. Berg, H. (2006). These are enormous possible factors that may force the road users to misbehave when making use of the road. Definition: A road accident refers to any accident involving at least one road vehicle, occurring on a road open to public circulation, and in which at least one person is injured or killed. Non-adherence to lane driving and overtaking in a wrong manner. It was noted that the causes of road accidents are many and varied such as human factor, infrastructural, environmental, situational and mechanical factors. In South Africa, road accidents are primarily caused by human factors and to a lesser degree, vehicle and road factors. Main cause of accidents and crashes are due to human errors. Bad weather always causes a spike in traffic accidents and the cause often gets labeled as "driving too fast for conditions." INTRODUCTION Road carnage in South Africa is caused by human, vehicle and road factors. accidents, the road users are the main cause of accidents, with speed violations, negligence and poor driving behaviour. Road traffic accident has been highlighted to be among the top 10 causes of death in Nigeria by World Health Ranking. More than half of all road traffic deaths occur among young adults aged 15-44.” Distracted driving is not only the leading cause of car accidents, but it is also true for trucks. When driving, you should keep your focus on the road. Road fatalities are caused by various reasons from technical reasons to human neglect, error, and ignorance. ( … Download. Look backwards when backing out. Road Accident Incident. “Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for U.S. teens.” (CDC) Nearly 7 teen drivers were killed every day in car crashes in the U.S. in 2017. ... One reason why is that even the smallest obstacles, like leaves, wet pavement or cracks in the road, can cause accidents. When a driver exceeds the speed limit, then they are of course considered to be “over speeding.”. Be aware of your surroundings. 1.1.1 Global State of Road Traffic Accidents A road accident refers to a collision involving one or more vehicles on the road, or a pedestrian and results into death, injury or damage of property (Odhiambo et al, 2015). Motor vehicle crashes are the first or second leading cause of death in every major industry group. Road Safety - How to Prevent Accidents. According to Sabey and Stoughton that human factors contributed about 95% on road accident. a. Each year, car accident statistics show that about 1.25 million people die in car crashes – this makes for about 3,287 deaths per day worldwide. Prevent accidents by taking all the precautions you can. Statistically, it has been shown that the number of death and injuries due to road accidents. Rather you should follow what Traffic police says in order to prevent road accidents. The road accidents may happen because of following a vehicle too closely. Here the Driver's attention concentrates on the road and not at the side looking for singns. Road traffic accident has been highlighted to be among the top 10 causes of death in Nigeria by World Health Ranking. INTRODUCTION Road carnage in South Africa is caused by human, vehicle and road factors. Road accidents have been and will continue to be one of the greatest health hazards. Whether they are your passengers, the other drivers or pedestrians, you must keep them safe at all costs. 6. Causes of road accidents can be categorised into human factors, vehicle factors and road factors. These are enormous possible factors that may force the road users to misbehave when making use of the road. Read Also: 13 Most Common Types of Road Accidents. The National Road Safety Strategy is the nation’s ten-year plan to reduce road deaths and minimise car accidents on Australian roads. See details here. What Government should do to prevent Road Accidents. Check out federal statistics and consumer report literature to help to evaluate the safety rating of a car or truck. The number one cause of car accidents is not drunk driving, speeding, or running a red light. One of the major reasons for sudden or unexpected deaths in India are road accidents. the study found that road safety measure have little contributions in reducing the problem of road traffic accidents. When he or she lapses into unconsciousness, he or she might not be able to drive with a sober mind. It is better to be safe than to be sorry. Reduce your risk of accidents on the road. Motor vehicle crashes are the first or second leading cause of death in every major industry group. This reduces the risk of road crash and injury. Your Duty! See details here. Never take your eyes off the road. Traffic Police has his Responsibilities so let him do what he is supposed to. One should be prepared for any kind of situation while driving, and as a driver, you need to have necessary car tools and gadgets. When he or she lapses into unconsciousness, he or she might not be able to drive with a sober mind. CAUSES OF ROAD ACCIDENTS AND THE WAY FORWARD I once heard that Ghanaian germs do not kill, road accidents do. Some drivers not only speeding but also drive recklessly, breaking road rules, does not have their vehicle license and beating traffic lights. Fine-tuning the annual reduction of road fatalities involves enforcement to reduce vehicles prone to tyre bursts and engineering techniques to minimise road sections that are wet, slippery or have sharp bends. 2. The strategy requires actions from all levels of government including federal, state, territory and local governments, with each having its own part to play in improving road safety in Australia. How Data Is Helping Us Prevent Traffic Accidents. Better roads, no stoplights or stop signs at the end of a downhill blind corner ( invariably first discovered in the rain in the dark ), for example, 2. Teen drivers between the ages of 16 and 19 are four times more likely to be involved in accidents, according to Arrive Alive. Preventing Road accident is my duty! In addition, about 20 million to 50 million people are injured or disabled each year due to car accidents. For highway driving, keep positioned far enough from other cars so if someone were to suddenly stop or swerve, you could avoid them. A huge part of preventing a reckless driving accident is keeping a watchful eye on what’s going on around you. You can reduce the risk of an equipment-related accident by checking your bike, helmet, and gear before you hit the road. Below are five common causes of bicycle accidents and tips to reduce your risk of an accident. Association for Safe International Road Travel reported that “nearly 1.3 million people die in road crashes each year, on average 3,287 deaths a day. Always put on helmets, seat belts and other safety equipments before driving a bicycle/ motor cycle/vehicle. You need a driver safety program: Other common causes of road accidents among younger drivers include: Road accidents lead to many problems and need to be solved through driving disciplines, weather awareness, and government assistance by providing knowledge about safe driving on the road. The first solution to reduce road accidents is driving disciplines. Car accidents involving teenagers have been the leading cause of teen deaths for several years. The rate of road accidents could be reduced by the various actions including from In 2018 alone, 1,276 U.S. workers died in a work-related crash (24% of all work-related deaths) on public roads. Association for Safe International Road Travel reported that “nearly 1.3 million people die in road crashes each year, on average 3,287 deaths a day. Every year, around 1200 people are killed on Australian roads, and the impact from road accidents is estimated to cost the Australian economy at least $27 billion annually. a. As we know many factors that cause this problem and the main reason is from human, other than are the poor road infrastructure, and vehicle factors. Introduce the ‘On-road surface Traffic restriction markings’ especially in urban centres, to improve the road environment. All drivers are responsible for knowing the speed limit when they are driving. Prevent accidents by taking all the precautions you can. I Causes. Road deaths are largely preventable, and the evidence is that some countries (the United States, Australia) have much higher rates of road death than others (Sweden). The government should introduce deterrence to reduce the accident on our road. Road traffic injuries place a heavy burden on global and national economies and household finances. How To Reduce Pedestrian Traffic Fatalities. Drunken Driving. In fact, there is an average of 1.3 million deaths caused by car accidents globally every single year, with an additional 20-50 million people left with injuries or disabilities in the aftermath of a crash — that averages to about 3,200 deaths a day. Yet many incidents can be avoided if you remain patient and aware of what's around you, as well as observing The Highway Code. How Data Is Helping Us Prevent Traffic Accidents. As a driver, you are responsible for your safety, as well as that of the people around you. 2. Search. 2. better safety of road in Malaysia alongside with the Government efforts to reduce traffic accident and to achieve its safety targets. 21 Solutions to Road Deaths. Avoiding Safety Gears like Seat belts and Helmets. For instance, the government can install speed cameras in the accident-prone place. Once I was on my way back home from festive shopping when I witnessed a road accident. Driving in fog – Fog may be in the air, but it’s actually a cloud at ground level. 10. There are tendencies when you receive an urgent call. 1 2010-2013 Source external icon and 2014–2018 Source external icon It is a common cause of car accidents, and, because it usually involves high speeds or extremely dangerous driving tactics, it often results in the injury or death of one or more people involved. Always remember that “Safety saves”. The authorities are not really paying heed to road conditions. Motorcycle Accident Prevention: 8 Tips To Reduce The Risk Of A Crash. • Heavy Penalty should be imposed on ALL those who cross speed limits. Moreover, vehicle and infrastructure related technologies increase road and vehicle safety while reducing fatal accidents. Thus no road user is left. A sobering thought, Jerome reports, is that, “60-70 percent of the patients trauma surgeons treat have been involved in road accidents. Road and Road Conditions: Faulty geometric design components like sight distance, shoulders, super-elevation, transitions and inadequate traffic control devices cause accidents, as do slippery road conditions with inadequate friction leading to skidding and pot holes, ruts and damaged conditions of the surface. Reckless driving is a type of traffic violation in which a driver displays complete disregard for on-the-road signs, signals, and laws. State transportation departments could greatly reduce accidents by improving crumbling and pot-holed roads and clearing roads of debris, snow, and ice more efficiently (and closing roads or mandating special low speed limits in especially bad conditions). Rather you should follow what Traffic police says in order to prevent road accidents. We know how expensive it can be to deal with an accident, so let us help you make a plan to keep control of costs. Every day people witness accidents in the news, from relatives and even with their own eyes. The final 10% of aircraft accidents are caused by a number of other factors, including sabotage and poor runway maintenance. Causes of Road Accidents - Summary. Distracted Driving. From the research done so far most of the road accidents can be attributed to human mistakes and errors. Mobile devices are distractions to driving, which is why it is best to avoid usin… In addition, careless driver are another drivers’ behaviour that caused the road accidents. There are some small or big holes on the roads. Here are just a few of the most common engineering strategies that city planners can use to improve the safety of driver, pedestrians, and cyclists on public roads. SUPPORTING POINT 1 =the state authority should identify the problem come from situation and condition that causes the rises of road accidents. We all know how difficult it is to cope up with a sudden loss of life of a near and dear one; moreover, if the person who died was the bread earner, then the lives of the dependents turn topsy-turvy. 1. The fact is that car accidents can be prevented by taking simple precautions. Distracted Driving-Talking on the cellphone -Sending a text message -Eating -Arguments/Loud chatting. Every day people witness accidents in the news, from relatives and even with their own eyes. Foremost, this means design for slow speed. Always remember that “Speed thrills but kills”. The first cause of road accidents is the attitude of the driver himself. Drive slowly and have useful car gadgets. these and more are the hilarious things potholes can make the road users go through. This is the highest number of pedestrian traffic fatalities and injuries since the 1980s, and with the increased use of technology as a distraction for those behind the wheel, this number is increasing each day. Secondly, every driver should do not speed while driving their vehicles. Road Accident Causes. Answer (1 of 2): No. The Causes And The Problem Of Car Accidents 1037 Words | 5 Pages. This means that when a vehicle suddenly stops, other vehicle cannot see and directly contact with the vehicle. The main aspect that causes human errors is lack of sleep, consumption of alcohol, long driving hours and driving patterns such as driving at midnight and early dawn (Wang, 2006). 21 Solutions to Road Deaths. There are various ways of improving the visibility of particular groups of road users. Rear-end collisions are a common reason for auto insurance claims. Red Light Jumping. Be aware of street signs warning of one-way streets or other irregularities, especially in unfamiliar areas. Driving in the daylight can be hazardous, but driving at night nearly doubles the … 1. Potholes. Many victims are jaywalking pedestrians, often under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Hence, below are 10 possible ways of reducing road accidents on our roads: Possible ways of reducing road accidents 1. E. TOPIC SENTENCE 3 = Last but not least, the other causes of road accident is lack of sensitivity and responsibility on the part of state authorities to look into situations and condition.. 1. Most of the fatal accidents occur due to over speeding. Unfortunately, they occur on a daily basis all across the world. What Causes Accidents - Safety Training Video - Preventing Accidents & InjuriesNever miss a new safety video! Many victims are jaywalking pedestrians, often under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Wrong-Way Driving/ Improper Turns Everyone makes mistakes, but lapses in judgement while driving a car can cause horrible accidents. Bike accidents aren’t always caused by a distracted driver or an unexpected bump in the road. Rain. A well designed infrastructure reduces road hazards and promotes the safety of road users. A well designed infrastructure reduces road hazards and promotes the safety of road users. If you don’t drive carefully you may end up in a needless car accident. In order to reduce the number of road accidents, the causes must be identified and measures adopted to minimise these causes. Road accidents claim between 13,000 and 14,000 lives annually in South Africa. In order to Hence, below are 10 possible ways of reducing road accidents on our roads: Possible ways of reducing road accidents 1. The percentage of road accident is higher at night than daytime. Solution to Traffic Jam. Every year, around 1200 people are killed on Australian roads, and the impact from road accidents is estimated to cost the Australian economy at least $27 billion annually. I Causes. To better understand this scenario, let us look closely at the most common causes of road accidents and how we can prevent them to help save lives and keep our roads safe. Make sure your tires are properly inflated. Steps to be taken for Preventing Road Accidents • Most important method to bring down accidents is strict enforcement of speed limits. Reference from:,Reference from:,Reference from:,Reference from:,
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