what is replication in psychology

Psychology is the study of mental processes and human behavior. Here is the short commentary that I wrote about conceptual replication for the May issue of The Psychologist (PDF), published by the British Psychological Society (which is why they spell "behaviour" that way -- although as a Canadian, I don't really object). Wood, which I recently presented at the "Reproducibility and Integrity in Scientific Research" workshop at the University of Canterbury. Here is the short commentary that I wrote about conceptual replication for the May issue of The Psychologist (PDF), published by the British Psychological Society (which is why they spell "behaviour" that way -- although as a Canadian, I don't really object). In science, replication is the process of repeating research to determine the extent to which findings generalize across time and across situations. 1. Serra-Garcia and Gneezy analysed data from three influential replication projects which tried to systematically replicate the findings in top psychology, economic and general science journals (Nature and Science). 1 . In eukaryotes, this is during the S phase of the cell cycle, preceding mitosis and meiosis. Developing theories and hypotheses to explain the facts. Recently, the science of psychology has come under criticism because a number of research findings do not replicate. The "replication crisis" in psychology, as it is often called, started around 2010, when a paper using completely accepted experimental methods was published purporting to find evidence that . They have an entire section in the issue devoted to questions of replication in psychology (I'll have a bit more to say about that later . The replication study found a smaller effect than that found in the original study, and the difference was material. In science, replication is the process of repeating research to determine the extent to which findings generalize across time and across situations. In recent years, the field of psychology has been confronting serious questions about whether some of its research practices (e.g., "p-hacking", undervaluing replication, failing to publish null results) undermine the validity of its findings. So, again, not so much incentive to hoard data or lab procedures. Psychology has recently been viewed as facing a replication crisis because efforts to replicate past study findings frequently do not show the same result. Recent Activity. When journals consider a replication attempt, the process can be an uphill battle for authors. Replication is involves repeating the essence of an earlier research study with different subjects and in different circumstances. 3.7 The Replication Crisis in Psychology. Replication. To be more sure we replicate studies, which means that the study is conducted again in the same way but using different participants. Psychology & Neuroscience Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for practitioners, researchers, and students in cognitive science, psychology, neuroscience, and psychiatry. - Psychology is low budget (compared to biomedicine). A quick summary of the major replication projects in psychology, such as the Open Science Collaboration and the Many Labs efforts, point to a replication rate closer to around 46%. Edward Diener and Robert Biswas-Diener. Replication is a term referring to the repetition of a research study, generally with different situations and different subjects, to determine if the basic findings of the original study can be applied to other participants and circumstances. Replication is a term referring to the repetition of a research study, generally with different situations and different subjects, to determine if the basic findings of the original study can be applied to other participants and circumstances. replication is important because the results of a study can vary considerably depending on experimental conditions and the research method used. In this module we discuss reasons for non-replication, the impact this . EXACT REPLICATION. Replication. So it is the "double check" of a study. The viral replication cycle consists of the following phases: fixation or absorption, penetration, stripping, multiplication, and release of new viruses. Recently, the science of psychology has come under criticism because a number of research findings do not replicate. And this time, the usual explanations fall flat. The four goals of psychology are to describe, explain, predict, and influence behavior and mental processes. Replication Articles. Many researchers will share their data. Logos means "the study of.". 7) Voracek & Sonnleitner. In this module we discuss reasons for non-replication, the impact this . The main determinants of this study include: EXACT REPLICATION: "The team used exact replication in doing their experiment again." Cite this page: N., Sam M.S., "EXACT REPLICATION," in PsychologyDictionary.org, April 7, 2013, https://psychologydictionary.org . The field of social psychology was traumatized in 2012 when several Dutch researchers were found to have published fraudulent data. Psychology's Replication Crisis Is Running Out of Excuses Another big project has found that only half of studies can be repeated. In this video, Ted Miguel discusses the Many Labs Project, a multi-institutional, collaborative replication project. Replication of Liefooghe, Barrouillet, Vandierendonck, & Camos (2008, JEPLMC, Experiment 4) Plessow, Möschl & Pavel. The replication crisis, if nothing else, has shown that productivity is not intrinsically valuable. The direction of an effect was found to change (i.e., a positive effect was found to be negative or vice versa). The first step for viral infection, which will culminate in its multiplication, is the fixation of the pathogen on the cell . Replication of D Albarracín, IM Handley, K Noguchi, KC McCulloch, H Li, J Leeper, RD Brown, A Earl, WP Hart (2008, JPSP 95 (3), Exp. So, again, not so much incentive to hoard data or lab procedures. I blogged about this last year, when a study appeared documenting that the effectiveness of CBT was declining-50% over the last four decades. In their defense, OSC authors may argue that their results are at least representative of results published in the three journals that were selected for replication attempts; that is, the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, and Psychological Science. Says Howard Kurtzman, executive director for science at the American Psychology Association: The outcomes point to the need for reforms in research, review and publication practices. Two weeks ago, on Halloween, I wrote a post about how to conduct a replication study using an approach that emphasizes which tests might be run in order to avoid the perception of a witch hunt. Given the challenges associated with publishing replication attempts, researchers have little incentive to conduct such studies in the first place. The Reproducibility Project: Psychology sought to replicate theeffects of 100 psychology studies. If you talk to a lot of the leading social psychologists over the last decade, two decades there is a growing perception that a lot of their classic results were . However, Zimbardo reported that a replication of his study — the participants dressed as non-anonymous soldiers this time obtained the opposite results. For that report, an . The Reproducibility Projects, coordinated by the Center for Open Science . The Replication Crisis in Psychology By Edward Diener and Robert Biswas-Diener. 1.Publication bias; Publication bias can exist as either a failure by psychology journals to publish replication studies and/or favouritism by psychology journals towards publishing only those studies which have achieved statistically significant results. The replication crisis in psychology refers to concerns about the credibility of findings in psychological science. . Ironically enough, it seems that one of the most reliable findings in psychology is that only half of psychological studies can be successfully repeated. DNA replication or DNA synthesis is the process of copying a double-stranded DNA strand in a cell, prior to cell division. See also: balanced replication. replication study is a success or a failure, at least from a narrow statistical perspective. When journals consider a replication attempt, the process can be an uphill battle for authors. The field of psychology has been experiencing a "replication crisis" in recent years. A large-scale effort to replicate results . A replication study attempts to validate the findings of a prior piece of research. This type of misbehavior is also detected by failures of replication. To be more sure we replicate studies, which means that the study is conducted again in the same way but using different participants. Many of these differences may boil down to method - experiments that use a between-subjects design (comparing a control group with a treatment group) dominate social psychology and are really hard to replicate. Replicability is the ability to obtain consistent results across studies that use different data sets to address the same hypothesis. The results of an experiment performed by a particular researcher or group of . Modern psychology is apparently in crisis and the prevailing view is that this partly reflects an inability to replicate past findings. The (latest) crisis in confidence in social psychology has generated much heated discussion about the importance of replication, including how it should be carried out as well as interpreted by scholars in the field. The Replication Crisis in Psychology: What is and is NOT being talked about. They have an entire section in the issue devoted to questions of replication in psychology (I'll have a bit more to say about that later . The replication rate in psychology, however, is very clearly not at 80%. Psychology has recently been viewed as facing a replication crisis because efforts to replicate past study findings frequently do not show the same result. By doing so, that prior research is confirmed as being both accurate and broadly applicable, since the replication study typically changes one or more variables of the original study, such as sample population, industry sector, etc. The re. It is tied to the concept of the gene and its generalization in an evolutionary context [see the entry evolution].Richard Dawkins introduced the notion of replicators—things that self-replicate—as a universalization of evolutionary understandings of genes. Explore the requirements of external validity and learn about internal validity, replication, control, and . - Psychology is low budget (compared to biomedicine). The authors have recently pointed out that the replication rate discrepancy between social and cognitive psychology (25% vs. 53%) in the Open Science Collaboration's Reproducibility Project could be attributed to a greater context-sensitivity of the former over the latter, rather than to other methodological factors (e.g., effect sizes . - Replication of research using different procedures for manipulating and measuring the variables that were used in the original study. Combating Psychology's Replication Crisis. Although this was something that was coming, it was not until the end of the 2000's and beginning of the following decade that . Psychology has several features that contribute to the replication crisis: - Psychology is a relatively open and uncompetitive field (compared for example to biology). Popular Answers (1) Variables in a psychological study usually represent theoretical constructs, and the aim of replication usually is to get as close to representing the same original construct . On a whole, cognitive psychology and personality psychology are weathering the replication crisis better than social psychology. However, it can be traced back to ancient Greece, 400 - 500 years BC. Are replication failures in psychology a crisis or a 'tempest in a teapot?' After its publication, the September issue of American Psychologist, the flagship publication of the American . The post is based on my paper with Benjamin D.K. The replication crisis (also called the replicability crisis and the reproducibility crisis) is an ongoing methodological crisis in which it has been found that the results of many scientific studies are difficult or impossible to reproduce.Because the reproducibility of empirical results is an essential part of the scientific method, such failures undermine the credibility of theories . The two resulting double strands are identical (if the replication went well), and each of them consists of one original and one . Many researchers will share their data. Half of 28 attempted replications failed even under near-ideal conditions. Psychology is really a very new science, with most advances happening over the past 150 years or so. Psychology is not alone: medicine, cancer biology, and economics all have many irreplicable results. Recent Activity. The emphasis was a philosophical one, with great thinkers such as Socrates influencing Plato, who in turn influenced Aristotle. The term, which originated in the early 2010s, denotes that findings in . Replication involves the process of repeating a study using the same methods, different subjects, and different experimenters. A replication study involves repeating a study using the same methods but with different subjects and experimenters. Psychology has been in the headlines a fair bit of late—and the news is not positive. Though 97% of the original studies produced statistically significantresults, only 36% of the replication studies did so (Open Science Collaboration, 2015). Fixation or absorption. The term psychology can be broken down into its root words that are Greek. Alternatively, replication is valued but, for whatever reason, researchers are unable to undertake this work and/or find an outlet for it. Getting some results in one research study is nice, but as scientists we like to make sure of the findings. Traditional psychology journals emphasize theoretical and empirical novelty rather than reproducibility. The lead author of the 1988 study, Fritz Strack, said he was surprised by the null result and he highlighted a number of problems with the replication attempt, including the fact the participants were filmed during the study, which may have made them self . Before going further, however, it is important to note the distinction between replication and reproduction; terms which are often used . Researchers have been studying the replicability . An example of a fraud detected by replication failures is the "spotted mice" scandal at the prestigious Sloan-Kettering Institute in the early . For a goal of . The problem of replication and reproduction arises out of the history of genetics [see the entry gene for a historical review]. It is possible to submit a proposal for a project that is not yet carried out, which, if sent out for external . Following is a brief summary of some of these issues, with an emphasis on how they might affect students and early career researchers.
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