bb26.onclick = function(){ 今日の天気はどうですか? }else{ You multiply Centigrade by 1.8, and add 32. (義父の傷を調べてあなたの無実が晴れるのは、その後です。), ・The witness’s testimony cleared her of guilt. ", "US English Female"); }else{ ", "US English Female"); responsiveVoice.cancel();
if(responsiveVoice.isPlaying()){ 今朝は寒く感じました, Play 今日は天気がいいです, Play The rain is letting up. 「晴れる」は英語で . if(responsiveVoice.isPlaying()){ 丘のほうから、弱い風が吹いています, Play ", "US English Female");

}else{ ", "US English Female"); }else{ if(responsiveVoice.isPlaying()){ ", "US English Female"); 摂氏を華氏に換算するにはどうしますか? responsiveVoice.cancel();


}; 英語の聖域、プロ通訳者のトレーニング法で学ぶ。アルク「通訳トレーニング入門」。, TOEIC3ヵ月以内に200点以上UP!スタディサプリENGLISH It’ll be sunny tomorrow./ It’s going to be sunny. 明日、晴れるかなー?, 天気にまつわる表現、いかがでしたでしょうか。実際に使うと身につくのも早いです。ぜひこの記事の表現を参考に天気の会話をしていただけたらうれしいです。, 日常会話使い方, 例文, 初心者, 単語, 天気, 日常, 英会話, 語彙, 音読. bb43.onclick = function(){ 華氏を摂氏に換算するにはどうしますか? bb7.onclick = function(){ responsiveVoice.speak("The rain will be terrible. responsiveVoice.speak("The weather is nice today. 何気ない話題に、天気の話はよく使われます。英語でも、いざと言う時に天気について言えると、会話が弾みます。色んな天気の表現、天気予報では…の言い方など、天気・天候に関する英単語や表現方法を紹介しています。 } 「cheer」 }; responsiveVoice.cancel(); bb60.onclick = function(){ }else{ bb96.onclick = function(){ ", "US English Female"); responsiveVoice.cancel(); 明日の天気はどうですか?, Play blue sky(よく晴れた空) / a beautifully clear day(すばらしく晴れた日) / fair and later cloudy(晴れのち曇り) / a responsiveVoice.cancel(); } responsiveVoice.speak("It was rainy yesterday, but it cleared up this morning. 台風が接近しています, Play 雪が溶ける, Play } responsiveVoice.speak("I feel warm this evening. responsiveVoice.cancel(); What kind of weather is it today? } if(responsiveVoice.isPlaying()){

responsiveVoice.speak("There are a lot humid days lately. responsiveVoice.speak("It stopped raining.

It’s always muggy here. It’s starting to clear up.

}; responsiveVoice.speak("It\'s expected to be cooler than last year. responsiveVoice.cancel(); It will become drier. (明日はきっと晴れるでしょう), ⒆ It will surely be nice weather tomorrow. (天気予報は明日の京都は晴れのち曇りだと言っている), the rainy season(梅雨/雨季) / the wet responsiveVoice.speak("We have been having good weather. bb92.onclick = function(){ (まもなく晴れそうだ), ⑿ The sky is clear and the stars are out.

responsiveVoice.speak("The weather has cleared up. →「(人・物が)(人)を元気づける、活気づける、なぐさめる、・・・を喜ばせる」, ・「clear」 ・After examining the wound on your father-in-law, then you are cleared of suspicion. bb76.onclick = function(){ ", "US English Female"); Copyright © 2016-2020 話す英語。暮らす英語。 All Rights Reserved.

}else{ }else{ 今週の日曜のニューヨークの天気は雨でしょう。, <会話の例> } if(responsiveVoice.isPlaying()){ (空が晴れて星が出ている), ⒁ We haven’t had any perfectly fine days recently. }else{

responsiveVoice.cancel(); (明日はたぶん晴れるでしょう), ⑵ It’s probably going to be nice weather tomorrow.
", "US English Female"); };

if(responsiveVoice.isPlaying()){ if(responsiveVoice.isPlaying()){ bb87.onclick = function(){ 明日、晴れますか?, Play The rainbow appeared. bb63.onclick = function(){ }; } }else{ 今日はまずまずのお天気です, Play responsiveVoice.cancel();

}; ウェブサイト  if(responsiveVoice.isPlaying()){ if(responsiveVoice.isPlaying()){ responsiveVoice.cancel(); } } }

It is fairly good today. }; いい天気!, Play }; (疑いはまもなく晴れる。), ・I am glad to be cleared of suspicion. (明日は晴れるでしょう), ⑶ It will clear up tomorrow.

How’s the weather today? 今日はスッキリと晴れました, Play };

The snow melts. ", "US English Female"); responsiveVoice.cancel(); }; }else{ }else{ responsiveVoice.speak("It\'s bad weather today.

かなり天気が悪いですね, Play ", "US English Female"); if(responsiveVoice.isPlaying()){ }; ", "US English Female"); if(responsiveVoice.isPlaying()){ bb44.onclick = function(){ }